·康斯坦萨港(Port of Constantza)
·诺沃罗西斯克港(Port of Novorossiysk)
·圣彼得堡港(Saint Petersburg Port Authority)
·乌斯特-鲁戈港(Port of Ust-Luga)
·符拉迪敖斯托克港(Port of Vladivostok,即海参威港)CARRYING ON AN ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT
It started with the entrepreneurial spirit of Leif Høegh (1896-1974) who ordered his first ship in 1927 and developed an enterprise with a leading position in the global maritime transportation sector. The legacy of leadership has been passed on through generations rooted in timeless family values and with a vision of the limitless potential in carrying on the entrepreneurial spirit. History is defined by achievements, and stands as an inspiration to future generations as they forge their own paths in the years to come.