我司与多家著名船公司建立了长期良好的合作关系,诸如:马士基(MAERSK)、阳明 (YANGMING)、长荣(EVERGREEN)、中远(COSCO)、中海(CHINASHIPPING)、达飞(CMA)和地中海 (MSC)OOCL 等,以珠江三角洲和长江三角洲为中心,辐射全球各航线,拥有丰富的码头网络、支线驳运船队、物流中心、报关公司等雄厚资源作为支持,可为客户提供港到港、 门到门的整箱、拼箱国际海运服务,可以提供冷冻柜,框架柜,开顶柜等特殊柜种以及仓储、报关、报检、保险等增值服务。
Our team has the most experienced and professional members who have worked in the forwarding, chartering, and project cargo transportation more than twenty years. We have very reliable agents at head office and branches all over the world to provide our clients the best(most convenient, most reliable and fastest)services in shipping, chartering, forwarding, airfreight, project and DG cargo transportations.
Our mission is providing an effective and efficient flow of logistic services across the supply chain. MAXDRAGON has a team of professional consultants who can personalize your supply chain needs with expertise in freight management, extensive worldwide network coverage, and advanced information technology. Our vision is to become a leading logistics provider with strong presence in China.