«上一篇: 广州到厚木市日本专线下一篇:日本FBA价格下调100KG+,12包油材积6000,可走FBA入仓货 »

意大利trieste港口 运费

  拼箱业务是公司新推出的业务品种,采用海铁联运直拼莫斯科的快线运作方式,鞋类及各类百货的混拼及直拼。时间快,上海至莫斯科全程30—35天。全程大通关模式,各拼箱接货点直送义乌拼箱总库,每周一船期从上海港起运,拼箱所有数据直接传至过境海关及目的地代理。拼箱运输每票业务均提供合法的通关文件,由中国人民保险公司提供门—门全程货物保险。 具体路线:上海——海参崴——莫斯科      海铁联运。 全程时间:30—35天 付款条件:货到付款At Expeditors, we pride ourselves on being a solutions-based organization and take time to understand each customer's individual business needs. As a non-asset based organization, we have considerable flexibility when managing customers' supply chains. Due to our relationships with local suppliers and global air and ocean partners, we can provide customers with the best routing and pricing options. Our comprehensive, flexible spectrum of services is supported by leading-edge information technology that provides a high level of visibility from end to end.

To maintain consistent quality and customer service across the globe, Expeditors has regional headquarters located in London, Dubai, Shanghai and Singapore.

At Expeditors, our industry professionals, award winning processes and globally unified systems ensure that we always live up to our promise, "You'd be surprised how far we'll go for you."








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