«上一篇: Korean Airlines(KE), Singapore Airlines(SQ), 下一篇:从中国广安海运出口 »


Perfect Service international transportation co.,ltd, located in Shenzhen of China,is an international freight forwarder and global logistic service provider. Perfect Service has a group of experienced specialist in this field, furthermore, every employee in Perfect Service is well trained. Believe us, we can provide our best service for you.We offer a series of both domestic and international services such as:
1)Worldwide ocean freight and air freight services for Imp. & Exp. shipments(include dangerous fireworks and general goods)
2) Warehousing, distribution, insurance, customs brokerage, visa
3) For direct, multimodal, consolidated and container cargo
4) Professional door-to-door logistics
5) Cargo Tracking 拥有遍布世界各地的服务网络和健全的分支机构,网络覆盖欧洲、北美、日、韩、新加坡及东南亚地区各基本海港及空港。在欧洲的汉堡、安特卫普、鹿特丹、南安普顿、菲利克斯多、热那亚、威尼斯、赫尔辛基等海港;在伦敦、法兰克福、巴黎、米兰等各大空港货运仓储中心;在北美的纽约、巴尔地摩、洛杉矶、芝加哥、休斯敦等海港;在日本的东京、神户及新加坡设有公司的各直属机构,与世界著名的船务公司多年合作并建立起的良好关系,是为您提供最有效率的运输、最低廉运价的强力保证!我们为客户提供租船订舱、缮制单据、船期预告、运价查询、代理保险、铁路、公路中转运输、海外网络等相关的进出口运输服务,为海外客户与国内客户提供网络服务,包括指定货的操作安排与运费的收付以及内陆延伸服务。



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