Since its inception, the company, begin with freight-container transport, take the "service-first" as a principle to open up the market and also carry out multi-cargo operate. And now has formed a package services with warehousing, transport management , route design, cost accounting, and processing tracked. This service system, in sense, make the Company
to meet the logistics requirements.
The company is implementing a splendid team of specialized technical talents.Under the fierce market competition, their professionalism, and their most considerate service will give you a full range of transport services.广州、义乌设立仓库,可为中国各大中型物流商及生产型企业提供出口货物的装箱、仓储、货物分拣、重新包装、丈量尺码、称重、、贴标签、打托、缠膜、等综合物流操作服务。
* 高素质的人员、稳定的团队、以及新仓库的投入使用,可为客户提供进一步拓展业务的空间。
* 仓库的精细化物流管理,分拣、丈量尺码、扫描、贴标签、打托、缠膜、重新包装等精细化物流管理,使客户节约了大量的精力和财力。
* 准时工厂取货的服务,使物流实现无缝连接
* 工厂监装,仓库设有监装的人员,可为客户提供工厂装箱的监装服务。
* 安全、保险, 二十四小时的电视闭路监控系统、安保人员不间断的巡检,以及严谨的安全操作、管理、检查、客访、人员身份识别制度确保库内货物的安全。
* 严格的废物管理制度,体现了企业的社会责任感。
* 完善的人员保护措施和设备,体现了企业以人为本、长久发展的理念