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Airfreight - Import & Export

对客户的高度负责是我们上海斯宸特国际货运的企业精神,为了方便客户及时了解货物动态,我们采取专人负责、一票到底的业务流程。优惠的运价、高素质的员工队伍,相信我们的服务会令您满意。 service dedicates itself to designing tailored transportation solutions for each individual customer by offering a variety of value-added services. We offer competitive air freight for overseas co-loaders, and assist them to solve problems encountered in China. At the same time, Joycargo has build-up cooperation with air freight service providers in Europe, North America and Australia.

Our complete service offering comprises of:
* Airfreight - Import & Export
* Licensed Customs Broker
* Distribution
* Warehousing & Logistics
* Pick & Pack



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