公司现有各种大小类型的散货全封闭厢车60余辆,集装箱运输拖车100余台,平板车60余台,还拥有冷藏车,气垫车,推拉板等多种特种运输工具,有一批经验丰富的物流专业的优秀人才,有一支从事海关监管运输多年的高素质的司机队伍,各司机对珠三角路线极及深圳各码头操作流程颇为熟悉…公司依托以上资源,向客户提供高效的运输与咨询服务,为深圳及全国的物流业发展尽一份微力。 garments and general merchandise. We integrate our services with your operations to fully support your business processes. We leverage technology when appropriate for real-time visibility, on-demand reporting, process re-engineering and cost savings.
Single Point Customer Service has been and continues to be the flagship of our success. Thunder Logistics provides specialized customer service for each customer, providing instant, quality support with only one call or email. Our customer service staff is highly competent with an average of four years experience in the industry.
Thunder Logistics provide responsive origin management of your bookings and detailed tracking services of your cargo throughout Asia and China. Thunder Logistics is headquartered in Shanghai, and have branch office in Nanjing currently, with more than ten partners in Tianjin, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen and Shenzhen.