( 1 )航次租船,代管船舶及代理租船
( 2 )提供货物进场、货物卸车、转栈、装船、绑扎等一条龙服务
( 3 )为货主修制有关单证
( 4 )代收、代付海运费用及码头港杂费用
( 5 )国际、国内货运代理业务:经营国际、国内货物的海洋、铁路、公路和航空运输代理业务,承办散货租船、集装箱多式联运、货物包储分拨,报关报检代理、货物保险、货运咨询服务等,为企业提供全面的第三方物流解决方案。主要承运的货物有: 钢铁原材料,钢铁制品,大宗的矿石,煤炭,谷物,化肥,木材,工业原料,大重型机械设备,纸,冷冻品,汽车(滚装运输),及其它各种散杂大宗货物等。 following services: customs clearance, commodity inspection, sanitation inspection, animals and plants quarantine, fumigation and all kinds of shipping documents. After nearly 4 years’ development, Hongxingwan have been developing as a logistics company and becoming one of the logistics leaders of international freight forwarder with ardent dedication, professional ethics and a backing of experienced and professionally trained staffs spreading over the country with branches in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Shantou, Ningbo and Hongkong, etc. Hongxingwang now specializes not only in CUSTOMS BROKERAGE, but also OCEAN & AIR FREIGHT, WAREHOUSING STRORAGE, INLAND-TRANSPORTATION, CARGO INSURANCE and TRADING SERVICE. Antong are committed to providing our domestic and overseas customers with swift, high-efficient and security transport solutions, Supported by Global Network of trusted partners who delivers our cargo door -to-door on time. The most importance is UNION WAY can get competitive rates from MAERSK, ZIM, CSCL, COSCO, WHL, YML, OOCL and MSC, etc. Our strongest market are Southeast Asia, Central and South America, Europe, North America and Australia, etc....